Why You Should Trade In Your Car vs Selling It Yourself Looking to sell your vehicle? Trade it In or Sell it to us instead! Before you place that classified ad, read below and see why it actually SAVES you money and time to sell it to Passport instead! Trading A Car Can Save You Money In many states, you only pay sales tax on the "Price Difference" as opposed to the full selling price when you buy without trading. For example, if you buy a new car for $25,000 and trade-in your old car for $8,000 you will only pay $1,200 in taxes vs $1,500 if you did not trade-in your car. Trading A Car Helps Protect Your Privacy and Your Safety In today's complex society with identify theft and so many other hazards, selling your car yourself can be potentially dangerous. The process of selling a vehicle privately can expose you and your family to identity thieves, fraud, counterfeiters, or possibly carjacking. If you do choose to sell your vehicle yourself, be extremely careful and take the proper precautions to insure your personal and financial safety. When setting up appointments with potential buyers that you don't know, only schedule meetings when a friend or family member can be there with you, and ALWAYS meet in a well-lit, crowded, public place OTHER than your home. Trading or Selling to a reputable dealership like PASSPORT is simple, easy, and helps protect you and your family. Trading A Car Saves You Time and Effort
Selling a car requires significant effort on your part. In order to sell your used car, you'll have to do things like running and paying for classified ads, taking professional photos of your vehicle, taking and handling phone calls and allowing complete strangers to test drive your car! Then of course, you'll have to negotiate for your final price, and most customers need financing, so that adds another layer to the transaction. Trading or Selling your car to Passport Saves You Time, Effort, and Aggravation! Trading A Car Helps You Avoid Costly Last-Minute Car Repairs If you decide to sell your car, you will need to ensure it is well-maintained and all parts are working. You must also ensure that all recalls are performed and that any special requirements are met for your state. If you trade the vehicle to a reputable dealership like PASSPORT, we will gladly take care of ALL reconditioning and then we assume ALL liability for reselling the vehicle. Making sure your car is mechanically sound and ready for market only adds extra worry and expense on your part, including fixing brakes, tires and other pricey items. Trading or Selling your car to Passport gives you peace of mind, and helps remove legal complexity and potential legal pitfalls from your life. Trading Or Selling Your Car To Us Lets You Walk Away Hassle and Worry Free When you trade-in or sell your car to a PASSPORT dealership, you'll prevent any issues with a dissatisfied customer later on. What happens if the engine light comes on, or if the transmission or brakes go out? If you sell your car privately, the new owner knows where you live and may contact or harass you, or even obtain legal representation and potentially sue you in small claims court. When you trade-in your vehicle or sell it to a Passport dealership, we assume all of the responsibility and you can walk away hassle and worry free. When you add up the potential liabilities and the exposure to your privacy, it just makes sense to protect your privacy and save yourself time, effort, and money and sell or trade your car to a Passport dealership. Contact us today and let us show you how easy it can be to get rid of your old vehicle for a fair, easy price. We will make you a customer for life at Passport Auto Group!
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PASSPORT INFINITI OF ALEXANDRIA160 South Pickett St. Phone: (703) 763-0636
December 2022
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